Anniversary Adventure Session Guide

Why Do an Anniversary Session?

As a Wisconsin elopement photographer, one of my greatest joys is capturing the raw, authentic love between couples on their wedding day. However, your love story doesn't end when you say "I do." In fact, that's just the beginning of a lifetime of adventures, growth, and cherished memories as a married couple.

An anniversary lifestyle session allows you to celebrate and immortalize your unique love story year after year. It's a chance to take a pause from your busy lives, soak in the present moment together, and create vivid imagery that commemorates your journey and the eternal bond you share.

Throughout the anniversary session, I'll guide you through a series of candid couple's portraits and authentic lifestyle moments that speak to the essence of who you are as individuals and as a couple. So when you look back at these heirloom images decades from now, you'll be transported back to that exact time and place, reminiscing on the laughter, the closeness, and the ineffable love you felt in that moment.

Learn more about Adventure Sessions!

For the Love of Authenticity

As an elopement photographer, a huge part of my philosophy centers around capturing the true, unfiltered you. The most powerful images are borne from a sense of ease, intimacy, and the ability to simply be yourselves in front of the camera.

This commitment to authenticity is paramount during anniversary sessions. My goal is to make you feel so comfortable and at-home in front of the lens that we almost forget it's there. That way, your unique personalities, quirks, and the beautiful dynamic between the two of you can shine through effortlessly.

I'll guide you through a series of delicately crafted prompts and activities tailored to your relationship to help you shed any residual nerves or awkwardness. Before you know it, you'll be swept up in a wave of natural movements, affections, and real, unrestrained moments of joy and intimacy.

River float engagement session?

Heirlooms for Future Generations

In our fast-paced, digital age, we're obsessed with capturing every passing moment—but how many of those images actually have profound meaning and staying power? How many of them honor the extraordinary devotion and resilience inherent in your partnership? An anniversary lifestyle session is your opportunity to create enduring heirlooms that will be cherished for generations to come.

Imagine passing down these vivid, soulful images of your unbreakable union to your children and grandchildren one day. These tangible pieces of your romantic legacy will remain a part of your family's story long after you're gone. Through the powerful transportive abilities of photography, your descendants will be able to see, feel, and understand the devotion and romance that has bound you and your partner throughout the years.

Each anniversary session represents a milestone, a sweeping romantic epic captured within a collection of singular moments. As the decades go by and you continue to nurture and grow your bond, you'll build an incredible visual archive overflowing with memories, growth, and an awe-inspiring display of unconditional love.

Check out my outfit guide!

Investing in Your Relationship

Speaking of devotion—there's no better way to honor your commitment to one another than making time to celebrate your relationship through an anniversary lifestyle session. In a world filled with endless demands on our time and attention, it can be far too easy to let Date Night fall through the cracks. An anniversary session encourages you to block off dedicated time in your schedules to be utterly present with one another.

The true magic happens when you let go of all your responsibilities and checklist items for a few hours and simply soak in the comfort, affection, joy, and deep intimacy of your partner's presence. You'll remind yourselves of the once-in-a-lifetime connection that brought you together in the first place and why you continue to cherish and stand by one another through all of life's ups and downs.

When your session is over, you'll emerge feeling refreshed, recharged, and utterly smitten all over again. The experience overflows with romantic gestures and quality time that deepen your emotional bond and fortify your foundation as a couple.

See what working with me looks like!

Choosing Your Anniversary Adventure

One of the best parts of an anniversary session is that we can craft whatever adventure you envision, whether that's exploring the great outdoors, cozying up at home in your favorite candle-lit nook, or painting the town red in the city that stole your hearts.

Do you want to roast s'mores and splitta by a crackling campfire? Stroll hand-in-hand through the charming streets of your hometown? Dress to the nines for an evening filled with cocktails, dancing, and big city glamour? You decide the setting and the scene that speaks to your unique love story—the rest will unfurl naturally during our time together.

As an anniversary lifestyle photographer in Wisconsin, I'm always up for a new adventure and discovering fresh, meaningful locations that hold personal significance for you as a couple. I'll blend a curated style with organic direction to allow you to relax and be your unabashedly authentic selves while capturing lush, cinematic imagery in perfect harmony with your love story.

See some more ideas here!

The Comforts of Home

For many couples, the idea of an in-home anniversary lifestyle session is incredibly appealing. After all, there's no place quite as intimate, comfortable, and meaningful as the nest you've created and filled with cherished memories over the years.

Your home is a sacred space that holds the stories of your relationship—the night you moved in together, lazy Sunday mornings in bed, boisterous gatherings with friends, holidays spent cozied up by the fire. It's a living, breathing chronicle of your journey built from the zingers of romance, the foundations of partnership, and all the little moments in between.

When we bring an anniversary session into the comfort of your own four walls, we create imagery that taps into the incredible solace, vulnerability, and refreshing authenticity you share together at home. You'll feel immediately at ease surrounded by all the familiarity and belongings that make this place yours.

I'll be your guide in choreographing a morning or evening "at home" together, filled with activities that speak to the routines, rituals, and simple pleasures you share day to day. Whether that means cuddling up with coffee and the crossword puzzle, recreating your favorite dance party in the living room, making breakfast tacos from scratch, or enjoying a laughter-filled pillow fight and room service—we'll uncover the immense romance in your "ordinary" extraordinary.

Learn more about in-home sessions!

A Personalized Experience

Perhaps my favorite aspect of in-home anniversary sessions is just how personalized and meaningful we can make the experience for you. Every room, every nook, every memento carries profound significance that elevates the imagery into something exceptionally "you."

Want to incorporate your favorite cozy blanket into the shoot? That gorgeous antique rug you found on your romantic trip to Turkey? The handyman tools you used to craft the last anniversary gift for your partner? Every detail adds vibrant COLOR and illuminating depth to your narrative love story.

We can also venture into different rooms and settings around the house—from the warmly-lit bedroom where you wake up in each other's arms every morning, to the reading nook overflowing with nostalgic books, to the dimly-lit bathroom surrounded by clouds of steam after a luxurious bath for two. Each setting provides a fresh backdrop and scene for your romantic vignettes while imbuing the imagery with even more facets of intimacy.

At the end of our session together, you'll be able to turn the page on a new chapter of heirloom-quality photographs chronicling this season of life in the comfort of your own signature sanctuary. Imagery that celebrates the steadfast, awe-inspiring romance of your couplehood and the cozy, unconditional love you share at home.

Forever Embedded in This Fleeting Moment

At the end of the day, a picture is simply light and shadow deftly intertwined—but an anniversary lifestyle session is so much more than that. It's a bold declaration of your eternal commitment to treasuring every waking second together. It's a vibrant imprint of the unmistakable magic you've unlocked and the immutable partnership you've manifested through your union.

When you look back at these images from your anniversary lifestyle session, you won't just see smiles and sunsets and traditional portraiture. You'll perceive the compassion, the vulnerability, the devotion, the surrendered joy, and the untold depths of your bond all woven together in one singular, infinite composition.

So let's celebrate this milestone by crafting an unforgettable anniversary session that allows you to be unapologetically, deliriously in love—if only for a moment. I'll be there to ensure your once-in-a-forever romance is forever embedded in this fleeting present.

Let’s discuss today!


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Why You Need an In-Home Anniversary Lifestyle Session